Η κατάληψη τριών Ελληνικών φυλακίων σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα The Meridian times, 2 Ιουνίου 1916

Η κατάληψη τριών Ελληνικών φυλακίων από τους Βουλγάρους σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα The Meridian times, 2 Ιουνίου 1916
Η κατάληψη των Ελληνικών φυλακίων Ρούπελ, Δραγότιν και Σπότοβο από τους Βουλγάρους

Exchange Telegraph company says he
learns from Saloniki that the Bulgar
ians gave the Greeks two hours to
surrender Kupel fort, which is six
miles from the Demir-Hissar bridge,
recently blown up by the French in
anticipation of this attack.
Athens newspapers say that the de
putation of German and Bulgarian of
licers in determining the surrender ol~
Fort Rupel explained that its J
pation was necessary to zatßu, «
Bulgarian left wing agÿàm'St an
ual entente allied ajKack.
Coincldjydßf"Wfth the Bulgarian in- ÿ
vasion comes a report that the reju
venated Serbian jarmy, the ancient j
enemy of the Bulgars, has landed at f
Saloniki to reinforce the British and
French troops already there. Ting
force has been estimated at 80,000
100,000 officers and men. It was Re
organized on the island of Corfu.^
Occupation by the French of por
tions of three craters formed by the
explosion of German mines In the Ar
gonne is announced in the official
statement issued by the French w'ar
department Sunday afternoon. Re
garding the battle for Verdun, it re
ports a lively artillery duel to the west
of the meuse, in the vicinity of Dead
Man hill, and intermittent cannonad
ing on the right bank of the river. In
upper Alsace, the French checked
two attempts of the Germans to ad
vance near Altkirch.

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