Οι βαρβαρότητες Βουλγάρων και Τούρκων στην εφημερίδα Yorkville enquirer το 1903
Το 1903 κατά την λεγόμενη επανάσταση του Εξέγερση του Ίλιντεν Βούλγαροι και Τούρκοι προέβησαν σε απίστευτες βαρβαρότητες.
Δολοφονήσαν γυναίκες και παιδιά χωρίς καμία διάκριση, στην περιοχή μας αθώες ψυχές έχασαν την ζωή τους μόνο και μόνο επειδή επέλεξαν να είναι μουσουλμάνοι ή Χριστιανοί, ενώ αρκετές ήταν οι περιπτώσεις στις οποίες οι ντόπιοι Βούλγαροι υπό την προστασία των εξεγερθέντων δολοφόνησαν και βίασαν απλούς κατοίκους βγάζοντας όλο το μένος τους.
Στην περιοχή μας και την Σέρρες έδρασε ο Νταβιντοφ με 3 αξιωματικούς του και 850 άνδρες.
The Revolution Against the Turks Is
Actually In Progress.
According to the popular conception
of the term, "a state of war" exists
today In those European vilayets
Macedonia. Whether the news called comes via Paris, London, Vienna, or
whether Its source be official,
or the Revolutionistsjournalistic, the situation in Monastir, themselves, Salonika, Bansko, an'd Djuma is shown
to be one of active hostility. Mines
have been exploded, people have been
slain, and property has been destroyed. According to the cable dlsptaches
.after making due allowance for exaggeration caused by one motive or
another.these things have been done
through the exercise of the utmost
barbarity on each side. On one hand
Turkish troops have wantonly killed
women and children and deprived
them of food and shelter. On the
the revolutionists have murdered other
Moslem inhabitants and have pillaged
and destroyed their dwellings. Both
Revolutionists and troops, when they
have come in conflict, have fought to
kill, and the number of dead on both
sides, even reckoned from a
estimate, has long sinceconservative passed
the thousand mark.
There Is just as much reason for
saying that "a state of war" exists in
Macedonia as there was for saying
that it existed in Cuba before the interventlon of the United States. But
the most significant thing about It is
that while the Turkish troops in Ma- , cedonia are far more active In carrying
on their campaign than were the
Spanish troops in Cuba, the resistance made in the Turkish vilayets is ( far more elaborate in design and is
pursued with many and varied resources, which were beyond the reach
of the Cubans.
Filibustering expeditions were
sent to Cuba from surreptitiously the
United States, but the filibustering
sent from Bulgaria into expeditions form an actual army of Macedonia
organized in Sofia, led by invasion
officers and acting throughBulgarian the
connivance and with the approval of
the Bulgarian government. There is
no doubt of this. The Revolutionary
committee, for obvious reasons, no
longer hesitates to make, fully known
the plans through which it is
These plans include a mapoperating. of
cne country mvauea, togeiner wun me
divisions assigned to each officer, all
of whom, with the exception of Boris
Sarafoff, who is actually commander
in chief of the expeditions, are officers
in the Bulgarian army.
Kostoria Is being Invaded by 750
men under Col. Yankoff and four
Salonika by 530 men under officers;
Boris Sarafoff and four officers;
Palanka, and Kumanovo by Uskub, 900
men under Gen. Tsontcheff and five
officers; Juma Dala by 1,500 men
Brotkeroff and seven officers; under
Vevrokop by 450 men under Dumaroff
and six officers; Serres and Demir
Hissar by 850 men under DavidofJ
and three officers; Adrianople,
and Kavalla by 1,760 menDedeagatch, Istenbanovich and eight officers. under
.New York Times.