Αναφορά της εφημερίδας Montpelier examiner για την σφαγή του Σιδηροκάστρου, 18 Ιουλίου 1913
Αναφορά της εφημερίδας Montpelier για την σφαγή του Σιδηροκάστρου, 18 Ιουλίου 1913 VENGEANCE ON BULGARIANS DEMANDED BY GREEK KING Soldiers Accused of Murdering Girls and to Have Surpassed All flhe Horrors of Barbaric Times. Athens.—King Constantine hag sent the following message to the Greek minister cf foreign affairs: "The commander of the sixth divi sion reports that Bulgarian soldiers, carrying out the orders .of their cap tain, gathered together in the court yard of the school at Demirhissar, two priests and over 100 notables whom they massacred. The bodies have been disinterred in order to prove the crime. Bulgarian soldiers violated girls, one of whom resisting, was cut to pieces. "Protest in my name to the repre sentatives of the civilized powers against the acts of these monsters in human forhi. Protest also to the en tire civilized world and say that, to my regret, 1 see myself compelled to wreak vengeance...