Η κατάληψη του Χαρωπού από τους Βουλγάρους στην εφημερίδα Darling Downs Gazette, 1915
Η κατάληψη του Χαρωπού από τους Βουλγάρους στην εφημερίδα Darling Downs Gazette, Σαβ 11 Δεκ 1915 ANGLO-FRENCH FORGED BACK. AUSTRIAN BOMBARDMENT OF DURAZZO. RUSSIAN ACTIVITY. GERMAN BOASTING IN THE REICHSTAG. 'THE BRIDGE TO THE EAST.'; BULGAR ATTACK. ON ALLIES' FORCES, , FURIOUS BATTLE. ... - t- . , BRITISH IN DANGER. LONDON, Thursday. The ''^nily TCTegraph's' Salonika I corresponcJent states that the falling- 1 bacir*1 the French army occupied ten days, and was successfully termiQ-ued j on Tuesday with very slight losses. .. This ' voluntary retirement u'feuitv-d: in reports that the Allies were i'i full retreat. When gun fire was joard at Ghqvgeli and the surrounding '?» il't ges* on Tuesday the inhabitants were pt-ri-1 ?ic stricken and rushed in the train to ? Thepgeli. Those unablo to thus- escape fledfon foot.. Fugitiyes'^tories intensi fiedytho alarm' and -spread tho belief' -'th'a| tlio Allies i\ad rh'et wi